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What is the Study of the Americas ?  
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Who is this program for? 
The M.A. in the Study of the Americas is intended to provide students with a meaningful graduate-level program. Our program is also crafted to accommodate the busy schedules of professional students. The majority of our courses are taught in the evenings, and sometimes as hybrid courses (i.e. online and in-person). This liberal arts- and social sciences-focused program focuses on students interested in international and global studies or interdisciplinary studies. It is also a strong fit for professionals in the corporate and non-profit sectors who work with diverse populations in the United States or who do business internationally. Secondary education teachers in search of certificate programs in a content area or in need of graduate credits may also benefit from this program. While the M.A. in the Americas does not usually lead to certification, it may in certain cases be used by those with provisional certification to fulfill the NYS requirements for obtaining permanent certification or certification in an additional area. Most importantly, we offer a nurturing, but rigorous environment through which students may improve their reading and writing skills. By the end of the program, our primary objective is that students are competent and feel comfortable in Ph.D.-, M.B.A.-, or M.P.A.-graduate level courses.

How many credits does the program require?
The MA in the Study of the Americas is a 30-credit graduate program.

Are courses offered on a part-time as well as full-time basis? What about summer sessions? 
Students can take courses on a full or part-time basis. Currently, courses are not offered in the summer. However, with approval from the director of graduate studies and college approval, students may take up to nine graduate credits outside of the department during their course of study: at the uptown City College campus; as independent study credits with a professor in our department or at another CUNY department; in a study abroad program, at another CUNY college or university through the E-permit program; or from approved transfer credits. Students must ask permission from their M.A. advisor before enrolling for the given non-departmental course/s. Most students take these 9-credits once they have built up confidence in our program and have developed their graduate reading and writing skill sets.

What is the program like and what are the course offerings? 
As of Fall 2012, the MA in the Study of the Americas program consists of the following two options:

  1. Thesis/Project Option, consisting of two required foundation courses, seven electives, and a Thesis Paper (40-60 pages).
  2. Non-Thesis Option, consisting of two required foundation courses, seven electives, and a Capstone Course.

Students will need to meet a foreign language reading proficiency requirement in one of the following: French, Haitian Kreyòl, Spanish, or Portuguese. Other languages may qualify, with consultation and approval from the director of the MA in the Study of the Americas. This requirement may be fulfilled by either passing an exam, or completing a language proficiency course with the passing grade of C or above. For students apprehensive about foreign-language acquisition, please do not be discouraged. We have a very supportive faculty.

For students entering the program as of Fall 2012, the two required foundation 3-credit courses are:

  1. Inventing the Americas
  2. Research Methodologies

Sample Elective 3-credit courses:  See full list HERE.

What makes this program unique? 
As with all of the City College's curricula, our program is extremely rigorous, preparing students to be the best, while at the same time accommodating their professional lives. One of the historical missions of the City College of New York has been to serve the educational needs of individuals who work. The college's Division of Interdisciplinary Studies represents the heart of this mission, and our MA program enhances our ability to serve working students more fully and successfully. While nationally there are a few Master's programs explicitly designed for the adult learner, few engage a re-conceptualization of the Americas that can go beyond more traditional area studies approaches. This is our program's strength and will position students well who wish to pursue further degrees, enter professional schools or continue advancing their careers in the non-profit or corporate sector.

How will I be able to use this degree?  

See the HOME PAGE for REAL-LIFE student successes. 
Recent data shows that a liberal arts education prepares students well for successful careers. Today, employers tend to focus on finding graduates and employees with the right skills rather than the right major. Given an increasingly competitive job market, many employers now require a graduate degree. Our M.A in the Study of the Americas is intended to produce graduates with expansive and agile minds, able to make connections and communicate these effectively across culturally diverse spheres. This knowledge is imperative in today's business environment, as career paths are increasingly defined by shifts and flexibility rather than specialized skill sets. In addition, the importance of interdisciplinary education in all professional environments is of primary importance in an increasingly cosmopolitan world.

How much is tuition and which fees are required? 
Please visit the City College Admissions website for the most recent schedule and clear breakdown of tuition and fees.

Resident and Non-Resident Student Tuition Rates: 
Please visit the City College Admissions website for the most recent schedule and clear breakdown of tuition and fees.

Fees: In order to apply to the program, students pay a one-time Application Fee. As of 2016, the fee was $250; however this fee goes towards your tuition. It is just a pre-payment that assures your enrollment during the first semester. Each semester there is 1) a $15.35 Consolidated Services Fee that covers administrative services, and 2) a Technology Fee ($50 for part-time and $100 for full-time students). This amount is subject to change, so please visit the Bursar's website for updates. 

What kinds of financial assistance are available?
Graduate students may be eligible for Federal and State financial aid. The City College Admissions website provides detailed guidelines and links for both the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FA­FSA) and the New York State Tuition Assistance (TAP) application.

NOTA BENE: The Director of the MA and BA/MA in the Study of the Americas advises only on academics. For privacy issues, financial aid is a distinct process of advising from the academic one. BE SURE TO ASK THE Financial Aid Advisor the following questions:

"How many minimum credits must I enroll in per semester (or per year)  to receive the entire financial package or loan that was offered to me?"

"If I carry a debt with the Bursar, do I still receive  the loan or financial aid? can I still register for classes?"

Visit the Off­­ice of Admissions information on Financial Aid.

May I Transfer Credits?

 If you attended another CUNY M.A.-level program and did not complete it, with approval from your advisor, you may transfer up to 9 credits.

If you attended a non-CUNY university, M.A.-level program, you may qualify for up to 6 transfer credits. Rules take into accounts factors such as, but not limited to: accreditation body; whether or not you took courses in an M.A.-program that did not go towards another M.A. degree (i.e. you cannot double-dip from one degreed acquired toward the degree you'd be acquiring with us); relevancy of courses to our program.